General Information
This website is the propoerty of IFREMER (Institut Français de Recherche pour l’Exploitation de la Mer), the headquarters of which are located at the following address: 155 rue Jean-Jacques Rousseau – 92138 Issy-les-Moulineaux Cedex.
Directors of this publication :
Philipp Hess, Email :
Hélène Hégaret, Email :
Conception, design and web-location :
Cyanéa ( et Poisson Bouge (
Cabinet de Curiosité
7 rue des cadeniers
44000 Nantes
Email :
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Contents and information
Thepresent website publishes information on an informative basis. Such information is provided as is, whatever it's origin. No responsibility lies with IFREMER with regards to inaccuracies, errors or ommission of information provided on this site.
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The source "GdR Phycotox" must be clearly mentioned, and a link pointing directly to the web page intended must be made ;
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This agreement is not applicable to website of diffamatory, polemic, pronographic or xenophobic character or those susceptible to offend groups of people.
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As far as possible, IFREMER ensures sincerity and confrmity prior to publication of any messages and contents figuring on the present site. Th einstitute has only an obligation of means and cannot guarantee the exactitude or reliability of any information and contents on this site.
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Modification of conditions
IFREMER has the right to modify the rules of use of this site at any time and without prior warning. We invite users to revisit the rules laid down here regularly.